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Partial painting of the car at the GlavUpDK car service

The paintwork of a car is subject to damage. It is negatively affected by stones, dust, and various particles. Local car painting will help refresh the vehicle.

Service Features:

Painting car parts not only enhances aesthetics but also protects against rust. Additionally, an original design can be applied, making the vehicle unique. This helps the car stand out among others.

Painting should be done by experienced painters, as practical skills are required. The master must be able to work with equipment, choose shades, and mask imperfections.

An essential procedure is getting rid of defects. Therefore, the treated parts are washed, degreased, and cleaned. Defects and rust need to be eliminated. Puttying is also performed to remove irregularities and dents.

If there is a damaged area, it is primed using acid and epoxy primers. It is permissible to use aerosol cans or a paint gun with a compressor.

Painting car body parts is done in layers. It is important to follow the paint manufacturer's instructions. It's crucial to prevent dust from settling on the treated areas. Therefore, work should be carried out in a clean environment. The process is completed with varnishing.

Types of Service:

Partial painting of car parts is done using an air spray gun. The advantages of this method include its adaptability to different types of paint. Spraying forms a thin layer, resulting in quality parts, even curved ones.

Advantages of the Company's Service:

In Moscow, partial car painting is available at the GlavUpDK Special Auto Center. The company has been repairing and servicing cars for a long time. Various services are available to customers – technical inspection, diagnostics, repair, washing, and parking. You can order a set of procedures for your car.

People turn to the company for the following reasons:

Quality services are available, as evidenced by certificates.

Over 40 years of experience. Therefore, even complex tasks are within the masters' capabilities.

Convenient location. The automotive center is located on Kutuzovsky Prospekt in Moscow.

We also have the opportunity to purchase DuPont paints.

DuPont is one of the world's largest and most influential manufacturers of chemical products and materials. In the automotive industry, DuPont holds a leading position, offering innovative and high-quality paints for cars.

Of course, you can partially paint a car yourself. But it is preferable to entrust this work to specialists. This ensures a quality result, which is difficult to achieve if the procedure is carried out independently.

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